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 Pitches will be measured inside the accompanying boundaries: 30m wide, 50m long

Punishment box not set in stone by size of pitch however is normally 2.5 times the width of the objectives are the accompanying boundaries: 3.6m wide and 1.8m high

All matches will be played by the Laws of the Game with the accompanying exemptions:

Groups will be informed what direction they are kicking at beginning of game.

Groups can't score straightforwardly from a start up.

There is no offside

Every free kick and corners are immediate and resistance should be 3 meters away.

Objective kicks to be taken anyplace inside punishment region. Resistance should be 3 meters away and ball should pass on punishment region for play to recommence.

Replacements can be made whenever from the midway line. Subbed player should leave the pitch before substitution goes on.

Mandatory line up and handshake to wrap up.

Games will be 10 minutes every way in term with a brief half time

There is a brief hole between each game. Groups should be prepared to accept the pitch when the past match has finished up.

A size 4 football will be utilized

Groups to have a coordinating units in school tones with goalkeeper having an unmistakably unique shaded shirt - a napkin might be utilized to work with this separation

Right hardware for example long socks, shin cushions, football is a mandatory necessity


To decide the general last situations in the competitions the focuses assigned will be:

Win - 4 focuses, Draw - 2 focuses, Defeat - 1 point

The choosing models for "breaking" a tie is as per the following:

1. No holds barred outcome

2. Focuses distinction (objective contrast) (between tied groups)

3. Focuses scored (between tied groups)

4. Focuses against (between tied groups)

In the event that there is as yet a tie:

5. Focuses distinction (objective contrast) (between all groups)

6. Focuses scored (between all groups)

7. Focuses against (between all groups)

The technique for "breaking" a 3 way tie follows similar standards as above

When a tie break has been settled extra ties will be settled in a similar configuration utilizing similar grouping of methodology starting with the no holds barred outcome (point 1)

There is no additional time planned for cooperative games in football.

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